Communication during covid-19
5 things leading doctors do to beat the coronacrisis
Communication during covid-19 might feel daunting if you run your own practice. But if anything matters to your patients in these times it is exactly that: clear communication. In this article I will share five tips in the digital realm, that will help you maintain an excellent customer service record in these times.
5 things leading doctors do to beat the coronacrisis
Kris Borgraeve
March 12, 2021
Keep your website up-to-date
communication during covid-19
It never hurts to spread the word. Posting the latest updates on how your practice operates (or how an expecting mother can prepare to give birth with covid-restrictions in place), makes the information shareable. Patients can forward and share, and you are now doing a great thing by keeping your local community well-informed in stressful times. The golden rule when using social media as a doctor is always to avoid blunt advertising and here’s a chance to prioritize useful information.
Again, this is about changing your mindset. Leading doctors I work with, focus on the conversation with their community. It makes you more human when you decide to be a member of the community and social media is the best place to show that you are approachable. If you don’t particularly like the platforms (Facebook or Instagram), focus on how much you like your influx of new patients to overcome any reservations you may have. When you look back at your practice growth, you will remember that milestone for years to come.
Use social media to amplify your message
communication during covid-19
It never hurts to spread the word. Posting the latest updates on how your practice operates (or how an expecting mother can prepare to give birth with covid-restrictions in place), makes the information shareable. Patients can forward and share, and you are now doing a great thing by keeping your local community well informed in stressful times. The golden rule when using social media as a doctor is always to avoid blunt advertising and here’s a chance to prioritize useful information.
Again, this is about changing your mindset. Leading doctors I work with, focus on the conversation with their community. It can make you more human if you share your insights on social media about how your team is coping with restrictions. Or if you give them clear and palatable information about what to expect when the situation changes. If you don’t particularly like the platforms (Facebook or Instagram), focus on how much you like your influx of new patients.
Keep Google My Business up-to-date
covid-19 communication as a doctor
It’s an underestimated little tool: Google My Business.
Keep the information on your Google My Business profile up-to-date, as much as the information on your website. At least every two weeks, make sure that the information in the provided fields is accurate. When a patient does a search for your practice, your Google My Business profile is as visible as your website and it is built so you can give patients the latest practical information.
Rules may change, opening times may be subject to what is happening in your community with Covid-19. As a patient, finding out that you are closed is less painful before I jump in my car, compared to seeing a ‘closed’ sign on your door.
Google My Business is not that well-known among my customers and quite often I happen to be the one telling them about the existence of their account. If you don’t manage your profile, you may not even have claimed it. If that all sounds like gobbledygook then it’s time to do some spring cleaning in your digital assets.
Make it specific for expecting women
covid-19 communication in obstetrics
If obstetrics is your main area, think beyond the Covid-19 updates about antenatal appointments and ultrasounds. Your patients are counting down to the big day and going over all the details. You are the trusted authority to inform them about any updates to hospital procedures. Avoid emotional reactions to information about visiting hours at the maternity clinic, rules for accompanying family members, or procedures in case of a c-section.
The pandemic and pregnancy combined create anxiety in many women. Communication really helps and putting yourself in their shoes for a moment, is probably a good first step.
If there is one time to crank up your levels of compassion, care and support for the families you work with, then now is that time.
Keep an eye on ‘offline’ too
crisis communication covid-19
If your rooms still have an old document stating that only travelers from Mainland China should restrain from visiting your clinic…it is time to update the posters.
Make sure that any printed documents, flyers, or posters you have in your practice are in line with what your website says. Patients do spend time in your waiting area and you don’t want to be seen using old information.
Just like a 2016 magazine in your waiting room wouldn’t make you look up-to-date, neither would an old Covid-19 update glued to your front desk.
So think about these times as an opportunity to communicate well. On any platform. Human to human. Your reputation and the growth of your practice will benefit from it.
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Communication during covid-19
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